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Innovative Lead Generation Techniques for Real Estate Agents


Lead generation in real estate has always been the backbone of creating new opportunities for a long term future. However, ways of creating leads have changed over the last decade. People think that reduces how you can generate leads in real estate, but on the contrary it provides you with a higher number of ways to do it. 

Let us dive into the different ways it is possible to generate leads in real estate and set you and your business up for the long run in the real estate industry. 

Innovative Lead Generation Strategies in Real Estate

While it was just limited to being offline and meeting in person to generate new leads before, the trend has now shifted to using technology and the internet to create and generate new leads. However, you will notice certain features often lead back to the tried and trusted old-school methods. 

Hosting Events

As a real estate agent or investor, understanding and knowing your area is the most important part of the business. If people do not know or trust you as a real estate personnel, you are likely to not get business. 

However, hosting events or parties where all homeowners and prospective buyers and sellers are invited immediately opens up doors for you. People know your face, they know who you are and get to communicate with you. A lot of the people who come to the event get to know about your expertise in real estate, and handing out your business card at that event is an easy way to generate leads in the future.

Open House Showings

As a real estate agent, you will have various homes under your name or your company’s name that are for sale. Make sure to have open viewings of them, and allow people to come see them. This not only showcases that you are a real estate agent with experience under their belt, but you also get a chance to display your knowledge to them.

Once you get to talking, people often open up about their wants, especially motivated sellers or buyers. If you are lucky, you get clients on the day.

Promote Yourself

You can purchase the traditional means of advertisement in your local area, such as billboards and signs that display your name, profession and contact information. While these work slowly, the contracts they can bring in are well-worth the money you spend on them.

You can even help increase the chances by partnering with nearby businesses that will house your business cards, and people can collect them. If a random person having a coffee at their local coffee shop needs an agent but does not know about one, running into a holder of your business cards might be just what they needed to push them.

Business Website

A business in the modern age is nothing without a website. A website that is run-well and is polished, showcases a business that is confident and believes in their products and services. It lets people trust you easier and faster, knowing you spent your time and money on it. 

On top of that, real estate websites can host all of the property listings that you have, alongside the fact that you can even post pictures and virtual tours of the properties on there. It allows for people to know whether or not they are interested in the property before contacting your business. Thus, leads generated this way are authentic and true.

Real Estate SEO

A real estate website becomes a good website when you have implemented SEO within it. SEO for real estate agents involve a lot of different strategies that when they culminate together, help your website rise in the rankings and become unique to all the other ones. 

This works especially well if you have targeted your business for local SEO, meaning it will garner more attention from the area you are working in, thus all of the organic traffic is real motivated people in your area. 

Utilizing Social Media

Social media is something accessible to most of the world now, and you can bet the same applies to the area you are working in. People who you are targeting that are sellers or buyers will be online, and it is your job to ensure you are reaching them.

Utilizing popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for the promotion of your business and creating a brand image, is important to ensure your business is well known. 

Content on these platforms can range from infographics showcasing your knowledge on real estate, or pictures and videos of your listings, and allowing people to inquire about them on those platforms. Also, leaving a link and easy access to your website from your social media platforms is an easy way of ensuring people see you.

Google and Social Media Ads

Running ads on social media is the same concept as plastering yourself on the billboards or running commercials on the television. In the modern age, if you run ads of your business online, people searching for that niche will be guided to look into your business and that gives you more traffic.

After that, having a well-built website and social media platforms allow you to immediately convince the buyers and sellers to invest their time into you and your business. 


Honestly, the amount of ways you can generate leads in real estate are plentiful and these were just some of them. However, these are some of the most effective ways, and need to be implemented. For example, getting to know your community is an essential part of becoming a trusted and reliable real estate agent and company.

On the other hand, focusing on online attention is also important, and maintaining a well-run website and social media is key to ensuring reliability from prospective clients.